Monday, October 28, 2013

Twitter? In the classroom? You can't be serious!

As we continually look for new and creative ways to engage our students, technology for some is the answer. Topping that list of new ideas is Twitter! Yes! Twitter! What is new to you has been in place and used quite extensively by teachers all over the world. It plays to the idea of if we can't bring them to our world lets go to their's philosophy. Many of your students are quite versed in the world of twitter and the possibilities for teachers are endless.

Many of the non-twitter society feel that twitter is just another form of texting, which is quite the opposite. Twitter is used to not only express ideas and opinions but also for information. Once you learn to paths of #'s (hashtags) and @'s the world of informational sharing opens up. Avid twitter users know this world and many turn to #'s and their followers for information long before using a Google search.

With twitter, teachers could simple keep students and parents informed of upcoming assignments and events. That is on the more basic side. More advanced idea would be full fledged classroom discussions all logged on twitter using a teacher chosen hashtag (#).

The following links are to some great information and videos of teachers that are using Twitter in their classrooms. You will be surprised and the uses from 1st grade through high school!

A Refreshingly Simple Guide to Twitter for Teachers by Jeff Dunn

60 Inspiring Examples of Twitter in the Classroom by Lee Crockett

Getting Started with Twitter in the Classroom by Carrie Kamm

Twitter in Our Classroom by Kathy Cassidy

1 comment:

  1. A follow-up blog on twitter and education.
